The quiet morning is full of childish sweetness, but it also serves as a defense of Andalusianism. Between Lorca’s verses and Teresa Rodriguez, Adelante Andalucia’s candidate for the presidency, claimed in Granada that she was the left-wing alternative for a PSOE “that has for 37 years forgotten the promises it made it to its people”, a right whose policies are at the cost of workers and a far right “that comes from the outside” without a program to manage the land it aspires.

“No, we’re not going to create fear during this campaign. Because the Andalusian people have had enough of a psoe who has collectively forgotten its neighbors’ demands and is now unable to remember them, the right has taken power. We are here, regardless of who weighs it. Rodriguez cried in the shadows of Campo del Principe, a Campo del Principe filled with Granadans, workers, from the Huetor Tajar farmers to the Kellys.

Vox’s speech was criticized by Cadiz’s deputy and he asked his audience to warn those who are “flirting” with the extreme right that Santiago Abascal’s electoral program, which contains 10 points, “doesn’t include one feasible proposal for Andalusia>>.” We defend the Andalusian character and those who travel from abroad to perform politics for us. Andalusian spirit does not believe that Spain is the only quintessence they should defend. Andalusia does not look like a doll dressed up as a gypsy sitting on top of a television. Andalusia is Enrique Morente and Omega, Califato 3×4, Maria Pelae and Lorca, as well as many other artists who have contributed to our culture’s modernity and dynamic, she claimed in an act full of cultural connotations.

Rodriguez lamented the fact that taxes have been lowered in recent years under the PP management. The PSOE has approved the land law, which will return Andalusia back to the model for “urban development pitch and speculation”, as well as reducing and advancing the privatization and privatization of social service. Employers who refuse to provide decent working conditions for their employees have been given a favor. It has been stripped of its autonomy but it does not mean it is not working. However, it does indicate that it was poorly managed. He stressed that the Andalusia we desire has paediatricians and the peace of mind that your children have the best education. Rodriguez stressed the importance of a plan and a shift in labor policies to ensure that workers are not left to the “wisdom” of “the gentlemen” or given the chance to be made more vulnerable by companies signing “unworthy agreements”.

He stated that it was unacceptable for employers and companies to bring workers from the countryside in unworthy conditions, or exploit their waiters and cooks in the restaurant and catering industry. He recalled that not all Andalusians are able to work in tourism and in the countryside. However, teachers and health officials have temporary contracts that do not allow them to plan for the future.

Rodriguez defended a region capable of adapting climate change with ecological policies that use its resources without speculation or damage to the landscape by foreign corporations that turn fields into solar parks. To the cheers of attendees and militants, the candidate said good-bye to the “for free Andalusia” cry.

Adelante Andalucia wanted to put a stop to the cultural fabric of this election campaign, which has seen it receive very few mentions and prominence on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of the poet par excellence from Granada. “Art is not a stranger to the pain of people, and culture is just as important as eating. Granada candidate Ana Villaverde stated that culture feeds the soul and must be reformed.

Lorca is not for anyone and belongs to all. We do not want to profit from his legacy. We want to preserve his memory. Villaverde stated that he was not as apolitical in the same way an ignorant lady would say about the problems this town is facing, referring to Olona.

Federico stated that a poet can’t remain passive before those who are suffering. He must work for a just and compassionate world. He kills job insecurity in Andalusia. Here are some of the poorest and most unemployed municipalities. Villaverde rebuked that we have not industrialized enough, but we do store waste from other areas. This keeps the harmful materials away and increases the risk of cancer in our neighbors.”

The candidate from Granada demanded that the nation “pays us the historical debt due to an unfair financing system” in order to invest in industrializing Andalusia. He also requested that there be “more people in public service so that they are not employed in the countryside or tourism, which makes them second-class citizens.” Villaverde also criticized the lack infrastructure and lack of rail connectivity in Granada.

Inma Manzano was present as an Adelante Andalucia candidate in the province of Jaen. Pepe Aguado, the guitarist, and Carmen Ruiz Mingorance, the actress, gave a Lorca recital. To close the event, Nacho Vegas, a singer-songwriter, performed a concert.