“Tatort” star Maria Furtwängler says she likes to try out new formats in front of the television camera. “I’m always looking forward to everything that really challenges me. I’m not a friend of repetitions and well-trodden paths. I’m always looking for areas in which I can definitely fail,” said Furtwangler (56) of the German Press Agency in Hamburg. So she had a lot of fun with the series “Braked Out” that she developed, shot and acted out. “I play a very crazy driving school teacher who actually wants to kill herself and then accidentally has to answer emergency calls from a pastor. It was completely new territory to try something like that. It was pure improvisation.”

For her role as “crime scene” commissioner Charlotte Lindholm, however, she cannot imagine it so well. “I think improvisation is wonderful. But a good screenplay is always better, because a crime novel is at best complex and well constructed. And it’s difficult to get there with improvisation.” However, she does not want to rule it out entirely. “But I’m open to all experiments.”

Furtwängler has been “Tatort” commissioner for the NDR since 2002. On Sunday (October 9th, 8:15 p.m.) her next case, the anniversary film so to speak, will be broadcast in the first: “Tatort: ​​Revenge on the World”.

Scene of the crime: Revenge on the world – NDR – First broadcast October 9th, 2022