research has recently brought it to light. The German Federal intelligence service and the US secret service had bought in the ‘ 70s, the Zug-based company concealed Crypto. The company’s business model, for decades, maintained, was deceitful, fraudulent, and intelligence interests of the Clients from the USA and up in the 90s – also from Germany. The devices for encryption of secret communication were manipulated in such a way that the intelligence services were able to read the communications, despite encryption.

The questions that have since remained openly in the room, you are not alone for historians and interested members of the of importance. Rather, they are the views of a present that is characterized by the power of war, and in terms of a fully-digitized future, both in terms of safety as well as security policy is extremely important.

What is the exact business model at that time was? This consists, simply, in modern Form? Is it not possible that contemporary goods are compromised by back doors? Are sellers of communication technology or of fighter jets still interested in other than our money? Namely business and security secrets? There is intelligence Parallel of yesterday and today, which are not in the interests of Switzerland? What are the motives, it was decided in the past, so and not otherwise? The same motives apply today?

Such questions are answered well only if reliable answers to the politically sensitive and technically complex issues in the case of Crypto AG-lie. You’re in a content to Satisfy, as a signpost for the future. Provided the government is willing to identify open security issues. The left and the right. That a civil majority in the office are opposed to a PUK, there is unfortunately reason to believe that the seriousness of today’s security is not arrived problem even in the Parliament.

Created: 02.03.2020, 23:00 clock