The leader of the women’s wing of Tanzania’s ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi party, Mary Chatanda, has called for the castration of homosexuals. During celebrations to mark the second anniversary of the government of Tanzania’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan, the politician said: “We call on the government to punish crimes related to same-sex activities harshly. These people should be castrated if found guilty.” President Hassan initially did not comment on the statements.

Homosexual acts are banned in the East African country. Those convicted face several years in prison. The climate for gays and lesbians has also worsened in other countries in the region: the Ugandan parliament is currently discussing the reintroduction of an anti-gay law.

In early March, Kenya’s President William Ruto criticized a decision by the Kenyan Supreme Court that had strengthened the rights of LGBTQ groups. According to the President, homosexuality has no place in Kenya. The English abbreviation LGBTQ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans people and queer people.