After their summer vacation, 82 percent of people in Germany feel well or very well recovered. This was the result of a Forsa survey commissioned by the health insurance company DAK. However, 18 percent had not found new strength.

More than half of them were unable to switch off, the DAK said. One in three said bad weather was a hindrance to recovery, while 20 percent said it was too hot. For 16 percent, stress during arrival or departure was a negative factor.

According to the results, in 2023 eight percent of those surveyed who were already on vacation fell ill, as in the previous year. Health problems were particularly common among those under 30. One in seven of them became ill or injured.

Coughs and colds were the most common in all age groups. 63 percent of those affected reported cold symptoms, compared to 32 percent in the previous year. In 2022, a further 36 percent contracted Covid-19. According to the DAK, infections with the coronavirus were not recorded separately this year.

Of the well-rested holidaymakers, 82 percent valued sun and nature experiences. For significantly more than 70 percent, time with the family or a change of location were crucial. 56 percent rated physical activity as restorative.

The majority of those surveyed took care of their health while on vacation: 68 percent reduced stress, 66 percent did sports. More than half slept a lot or paid attention to a healthy diet.

The DAK holiday report is a representative survey by Forsa on behalf of DAK-Gesundheit. The survey is repeated annually and took place from August 14th to 25th. 1,005 women and men in the Federal Republic aged 18 and over who had already been on holiday were surveyed.