Yolanda Díaz’s electoral project is beginning to take shape, the second vice president plans to start with the configuration phase of this candidacy for the 2023 general elections in the summer, just after the Andalusian elections of 19-J. The name chosen for this “listening” process, as she has baptized it, will be “Add”. A verb that the also Minister of Labor has claimed and repeated on several occasions in recent weeks.

The brand has been advanced by ‘Epe.es’ and later confirmed by ABC by sources familiar with how the process is developing. As explained to this newspaper, the Second Vice Presidency does not have official confirmation from the Ministry of the Interior that it has been officially registered in the National Registry of Associations. Although the sources consulted do confirm that ‘Sumar’ is the name of the association that will articulate this first stage.

«The association ‘Sumar’ is an instrument to organize the listening process», they explain; and they insist that “it is not the platform, nor a political party to stand for election.” That name, that decision, is still not agreed upon because the electoral project has not begun to be negotiated. “It will be a collective decision for which it will be necessary to have the opinion of many people,” they explain.

The “listening process” will consist of a tour throughout the country through which Díaz will meet with civil groups and independent profiles in different acts. The candidacy in which he is working for the next general elections scheduled for the end of 2023 has some maxims: overcome the borders of the purple party, leave partisan struggles behind, rebuild the spectrum and give prominence to independent profiles of civil society, leaving in a background to the matches. «A country project», Díaz usually specifies; in short, it aims to redefine the left and the relationships between its actors.

“I am not at all sectarian, I never define myself by acronyms, I define myself by projects, by proposals,” she said last week in an interview with ‘La Sexta’. She insisted that the success of the left or, in other words, the key to preventing the Popular Party and Vox from governing, is knowing how to add. And she even dared to invite the PSOE to do it with her, although in reality she saw it as more than unlikely.

«People and acronyms distort too much, I in Galicia have been part of something that I define as ‘mixing’, let’s mix, people don’t want us to think the same, they want us to walk together, to add”, insisted the vice president; and then: «I think it is not possible today [he refers to converging with the PSOE], but I will be in the verb to add».

This reflection by Díaz arose in the heat of the agreement reached by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of Francia Insumisa, to unite the entire left of the Gallic country in the face of the legislative elections that are called for June. That pact includes in principle the French Socialist Party, which at the moment is in low hours and devalued.

They are not agreements that can be extended to Spain, but in that spirit of dialogue and “to add” she says that she feels comfortable. She couldn’t have said it more clearly at that moment: «What seduces me most about Mélenchon and the commitment of all formations is a verb: ‘add’. Add people, diversities, add projects, let’s add, if we add, of course there is a future and of course it is possible, the PSOE has enormous difficulties for it, but, of course, in that verb to add I will be ».