Suma Gestión Tributaria has designed a strategic plan for the 2022-2025 period with the aim of improving the attention and services it provides to citizens and increasing the efficiency and value it generates among the municipalities that have delegated to the body the management of their tributes. Increasing the percentages of collection, reducing the number of executive receipts or the resolution period for files, increasing innovative projects, simplifying procedures and establishing new payment tools for taxpayers are some of the objectives set.

The president of the Diputación de Alicante, Carlos Mazón, has participated this Friday in the Santa Bárbara Castle in the celebration of the XXIX anniversary of the creation of Suma, in which this plan has been presented.

The event was also attended by the deputy for the Treasury and vice president of the body, María Gómez, the second vice president, Ana Serna, the deputies Alejandro Morant and Javier Gutiérrez, the mayor of Alicante, Luis Barcala, and the director of the body, Jose Antonio Belso.

“We want to continue to be a public body of reference in terms of tax management and collection at the national level for its efficiency and transparency,” said Mazón, who has pointed out as one of the priorities “maximizing the value that we contribute to the municipalities that trust in us for the management of their taxes, offering them a comprehensive and excellent service».

Among the strategic objectives established are, among others, exceeding 92% of collection in voluntary and 35% in executive -currently it is 91.5% and 30.3%, respectively- or reducing annually 50,000 receipts, 25 million euros pending executive and one year old debt in executive.

Likewise, in the next three years, the aim is to reduce the average time for resolving files to ten days and increase to 7% the income from agreements with autonomous bodies, which now represent 4.5% of the budget, and by 10 % the eleven innovative projects promoted by the organization every year.

To this end, Human Resources policies will be redesigned, the information system will be evaluated, and the branch network will be updated. Likewise, and with the aim of improving taxpayer service, work will be done to simplify procedures, non-attendance will be increased and new payment tools will be established. “We want to further strengthen the payment facilities that we provide to taxpayers,” said the president, who has insisted on the importance of “promoting new technologies without forgetting proximity to the citizen.”

Mazón has claimed the need to reduce the tax burden borne by companies and citizens and has given as an example the decision of the Diputación de Alicante to lower the IAE provincial surcharge to 5% «compared to 30% that is paid in the deputations of Valencia and Castellon.

After the presentation of the Strategic Plan, Mazón has proceeded to deliver the annual ‘Suma de Oro’ distinction to the workers of Suma José Luis Almarcha and Isabel Escolano.