So far, Saarland and the southwest of Rhineland-Palatinate have mainly battled floods, but from tomorrow other regions of Germany could also be affected by storms. This time the focus is probably not in Saarland and southern Rhineland-Palatinate, but extends from the Eifel area through central Hesse to southeast Bavaria, said meteorologist Nico Bauer from the German Weather Service. There will be slightly smaller amounts of rain in the previously flooded areas.

More rain forecast

According to the German Weather Service (DWD), there could be showers and sometimes long-lasting rain in the south of Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate as early as tomorrow morning. As the day progresses, the rain extends further north. The weather service writes of heavy or continuous rain lasting several hours with the risk of flooding in streams and rivers. “This time the focus is probably not in Saarland and southern Rhineland-Palatinate, but a little further north, in the area from the Eifel through central Hesse to southeast Bavaria,” said meteorologist Nico Bauer from the DWD. There will be slightly smaller amounts of rain in the flood areas.


Enormous amounts of rain had already caused flooding, landslides and full streets and basements in both countries on Friday and Saturday night. The situation initially eased on Sunday, but later in the day there was some heavy rain again. A 67-year-old woman died in the flood. The woman was hit by an emergency vehicle during a rescue operation in Saarbrücken on Friday and died as a result in a clinic on Sunday evening, the city announced. Mayor Uwe Conradt spoke of a “terrible tragedy”.

On Whit Monday there was a short break for the emergency services. “The situation has calmed down,” said the spokesman for the Interior Ministry. Water levels are falling sharply across the country. “The focus is on us being able to clean up and prepare for what may come next.”

Damage in the millions

According to an initial assessment, the flood caused damage “well into the millions,” said Saarland Prime Minister Anke Rehlinger (SPD) to the German Press Agency. The extent of the damage will only be fully visible once the water has completely receded. “It is already clear today that we will be dealing with massive damage to private property, but also to infrastructure such as roads, bridges and daycare centers,” she said. “We have been fighting against masses of water for a few days, but we will certainly have to struggle with the consequences for years.”

It is clear: “The state will have to help where major damage has occurred and people are overwhelmed by it,” said Rehlinger. The Saar government has already cleared the way for financial aid “so that people aren’t left out in the cold.” People should “now quickly have certainty about the support they will receive,” said the head of government. There will certainly also be discussions with the federal government about this.

The emergency services did “unbelievable things” in more than 4,000 missions, said Rehlinger. In addition, there are more than 10,000 helpers plus thousands of citizens in neighborhood assistance. The SPD politician spoke of an “incredible feat of strength”.

Scholz promises solidarity

Chancellor Olaf Scholz was on site in Saarland with Rehlinger on Saturday. The SPD politician said in Kleinblittersdorf that acute help was now the priority. Once the immediate emergency and danger situation has subsided, it will be a matter of agreeing together what should be done to help those who are in need. “We have a good practice of solidarity there,” said the Chancellor.

Rhineland-Palatinate Prime Minister Malu Dreyer (SPD), Interior Minister Michael Ebling (SPD) and Environment Minister Katrin Eder (Greens) visited affected areas in Rhineland-Palatinate on Saturday. There were new floods and landslides in Kirn on Sunday evening, and the Sulzbach district in particular was partially impassable, according to the police.

Heavy and continuous rain more likely due to climate change

Activists from Fridays for Future gathered for an action in Saarbrücken on Monday. A spokeswoman said they stood in the Saar wearing rubber boots. “We demand that the climate crisis is not ignored and that no negligent action is taken,” she said. The German Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation called for an immediate program to combat the climate crisis and heavy rain, the Saarbrücken local group announced. “The heavy rain event last weekend was no longer a warning shot, but the first part of a dramatic climate crisis in Saarland,” said Ronald Maltha, spokesman for BUND Saarbrücken.

According to DWD meteorologist Bauer, such heavy rains are becoming more common due to climate change. “They are becoming more frequent and more intense, simply because a warmer atmosphere can hold more moisture and therefore rainfall is more intense.”