Summer promises to be salty. As the note. Émilie came to buy swimsuits with her daughters at Decathlon in Thiais Village (Val-de-Marne). “I’m going to choose based on price rather than buying on impulse this year,” she explains. With her two teenage daughters, she scrutinizes the labels. For this essential purchase for their week of vacation in July, this florist is looking for promotions and low prices.

At the head of the gondola, one-piece swimsuits for 5 euros or tops and bottoms for 3 euros each. A godsend to keep your budget of around thirty euros for three jerseys. The shopping spree is smoothly conducted, no room is left for temptation: “Before coming, we checked the cupboards. I will only buy what is essential,” confides Émilie.

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While some are tightening their belts, for others, inflation is downright synonymous with renunciation. This is the case of Monique who lives in Choisy-le-Roi. This grandmother and her two grandchildren will not be going on vacation this summer. “We don’t have enough… I would like to take them, but it won’t be for this year,” she explains. Same pattern for Lucie, a young 65-year-old retiree: “I was already buying the minimum, what I own is used primarily to pay the bills and do the shopping. For them, no more cinema or family outings to the amusement park, leisure is relegated to the background.

To preserve the leisure budget, Nadia takes her car less

On the other hand, for Nadia, 27, who plays a little further with her daughter and her new ball, there is no question that inflation will affect the leisure budget, even if it means making sacrifices elsewhere. On his travels for example: “I take the car less given the price of gasoline at the moment, I prefer public transport. “To juggle between daily expenses and small pleasures, this medical secretary also takes advantage” of offers with the works council to go out and not pay everything full price “.

On the other side of the mall, a few steps behind her daughter, Marion has her eyes glued to her smartphone. “I’m looking for where the cheapest station is to fill up,” explains this teacher. She leaves with only one purchase: the large storage box on wheels she had come to pick up, nothing more. Mother of two children, she hopes not to have to touch certain expenses. “Summer vacations, which we always book well in advance, or sports registration for children, I want to,” she explains.

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Jérôme comes out of the shopping center with two pairs of rollerblades for his sons. This 30-year-old is a business manager and even if he earns a good living, he admits: “Casing nothing, I had more than 100 euros with the protections. “But he does not regret his purchase:” Expenses for sport and leisure, even if it is expensive, it goes better because it is fun. »

A bike for rides “that cost nothing”

Behind him, another dad comes out of the Decathlon. His son rides a brand new bicycle. A real investment for Paul, 47, whom he intends to make profitable: “We will be able to do bike rides every weekend, and it won’t cost me anything. You have before you future great athletes! “, he jokes.

Mountain biking outings that will replace tree climbing or karting this summer. Faced with inflation, this dad, a craftsman, tries to adapt and no longer wants to waste: “I think more about making purchases that we can use for a long time, things that I won’t have to buy back the year next. »

Jérôme, a business owner, earns a good living but is amazed at the price that two pairs of rollerblades with protections cost him: more than 100 euros. LP/Jean-Baptiste Quentin

In front of the sports sign, Duong also has a smile. She found the folding stools she needed. An easy acquisition since she had already bought this model in 2021. Only downside: “This year it’s 4 euros more expensive,” Duong tells us, showing his ticket. 12 euros per stool, against 8 euros last year, no doubt, inflation is coming to the campsite.