It is a historical turning point. 30 years after the reunification, the CDU After working in Thuringia, Eastern Germany for the first time, with the left party, the successor of the GDR state party SED. The Thuringian CDU offends against an explicit party to the decision. However, it does not do this voluntarily, but in the highest Need. You don’t do it openly, but covertly, Yes coyly. And only at the second attempt, after four months of Irrlauf.

The Thuringian CDU has not been selected, the left Bodo Ramelow directly. Their abstention in the third ballot was sufficient that this was again Prime Minister. You will now form a coalition with the minority government of the left party, the SPD and the Greens or systematically tolerate it, but only from case to case: for example, when the ability to act in Thuringia stands on the game or other common interests. The cooperation also applies only to a one-year Transition period – until the Budget for 2021 is adopted, the Parliament dissolved and new elections are scheduled in April 2021.

The Thuringian Christian Democrats were in Distress, because they had, in fact, only Alternatives that you are all terrible occurred as a quasi-homeopathic co-operation with the Left. Should see the traditional government party about idly, as Thuringia is sinking deeper into a crisis for the government? Should you agree to immediate new elections, in which in sight, each second of its members, and its headquarters would lose?

Many Conservatives both inside and outside the CDU are now angry about the Thuringian and talk of “sin” and “taboo” – like a month ago, as the CDU chose in Erfurt together with the forsaken, AfD a FDP-man to the Prime Minister. In these circles, the ritual Anti-communism of the Cold war, still belongs to the core identity. “Wall killer-party” rant you Left, even 30 years after the turning.

The political development, this is no longer justified. While the AfD have become increasingly radicalized and targeted the constitutional protection device, the left party today is almost everywhere in a democratic reason. No left-wing politician is also less than the enemy when the former trade unionist Ramelow, the ruled, in fact, as a conservative social Democrat.

The support of the CDU is therefore not a “sin”, but a pragmatic solution in case of an emergency. It also creates no precedent for other hard-to-regierbare regions – and certainly not for the Western part of Germany, but a “Lex Thuringia”. Since the CDU has to go through.

Created: 04.03.2020, 18:37 PM