The Zurich-based SP national councillor Jacqueline Badran is proposing that you should support companies that are in the tourism or in the culture and the damage suffered, with Federal funds. She is expecting a Fund of about 50 million Swiss francs. The area of sports and culture, as well as the whole gastronomic and nightlife scene, especially in the Canton of Zurich, an important branch of the economy.

football and ice hockey clubs are suffering due to game cancellations, damage to the indoor stadium by concert cancellations. Also in the Zurich nightclub scene hangover prevails, after the Directorate of Health has made under the leadership of Natalie Rickli (SVP) yesterday, the recommendation, club events, “with many people cancel in close physical contact in closed spaces”. Who pays for the damage?, now the big question.

Rickli counters the club scene

“The Directorate of Health appealed to the organizers to help slow down the spread of the Virus,” says Natalie Rickli on request. The goal is that the Zurich hospitals and doctor’s offices have a little more time on the really sick people. Today, they would be overrun by many persons, “belonging not to the doctor, and certainly not to the hospital”. For this purpose it took, apparently, first a change in thinking for many people.

The criticism of the night clubs, the Canton of experiments, the responsibility of the individual Clubs to deport counters Rickli: “We rely on personal responsibility. How would have reacted the Clubs probably, if we had very specific prohibitions?” In other areas, the Clubs want to leave the state as little as possible three speeches. What is not said Rickli: When it comes to noise regulations as well as drug checks, call the Clubs rarely according to state regulations.

The Zurich policy by Jacqueline Badrans idea, with the state of spray, the consequences of Coronavirus pot to alleviate, not much. Just SP-party friend and a member of the Parliament Tobias Langenegger holds the rod: “Now, there is a need for solidarity for the affected employee(inside) and the employer(on the inside), and to engage the state quite well. One possibility is a Fund for the mitigation of Corona-induced damage, for instance.”

policy holds a little bit of help from the government

The green group, the President of the cantonal Parliament, Esther Guyer, on the other hand says: “companies need to bear some risk yourself, in addition, the Instrument of short-time work is available.” If state bodies are doing their Best to prevent the spread of the Virus could not make you still liable. And if the Schauspielhaus and the Opera house get financial problems, Guyer, “are we sitting as state money transmitter itself, in the ink”.

FDP faction President Beatrix Frey-Eigenmann is with help from the government very reluctant to. “If the state orders now determined, prevention measures can minimize the economic damage.” In this difficult Situation and would need to be bite, all the “sour Apple,” says Frey-Eigenmann. For GLP group’s chief, Michael witness, the Coronavirus is “a classic case of a higher Power”. He expect from any operation of adequate risk management. “When you think of climate change, then this Coronavirus is probably not the last test for companies in the economy, culture and Sport.”

national Bank-million for harm reduction?

474 million Swiss francs, the Canton of Zurich is to receive this year from the profit of the national Bank. Could be helped with this money economically affected by the Virus companies? In the last few days around a submitted idea by falls in most of the parties. “You would prefer to invest in the protection of the environment, instead of in football clubs, and night clubs”, say the a – “or in the AHV”, the other. Possible, in turn, it was argued, the bourgeois parties, that because of the Virus to a drop in tax revenue. As a subsidisation of concert organizers would probably be a bit premature.

Can fight back organizer, to economic damage, according to official cancellation of events? In the case of the cantonal Department of culture, one can imagine that soon, once issues of compensation will be provided due to losses. Nor does it give to such questions, no answers, says the Deputy cultural officer Lisa Fox.

organizer to sit on the shorter lever

“Yes, hosts can defend themselves,” says Felix Uhlmann, Professor of constitutional and administrative law and legislative studies at the University of Zurich. It was probably a question of time before courts would have to deal with such cases. Law Professor Felix Uhlmann.

The Problem with such lawsuits: The events are long over, until the courts can do the job. There remains the question of compensation for losses after a concert cancellation. Professor Uhlmann for the organizer of “little cause for optimism”. The epidemic law see the case of quarantines, the possibility for compensation in the case of single persons, but not in the case of the cancellation of events. A refusal was lawful, so Uhlmann, “there is no claim”.

And if a refusal is unreasonable and a court should be? “Then answer in the affirmative the courts of a state liability claim only if it is based on a substantial breach of official duty,” said Uhlmann. This requirement was a high hurdle and going to be fulfilled in view of the difficult situation for the authorities only in exceptional cases.

soccer versus school

decide Before the cantons of a cancellation, you must carry out a Risk assessment and a value assessment. For example, Can be moved a concert, or a meeting to be conducted online? And then: Is school more important than Football? The authorities need to especially protect vulnerable people. “The Easter celebration in the old people’s home must be more strictly evaluated than a school ski camp,” says Professor Uhlmann. In addition, the authorities would have to put the Federal government defined term “event” is very broad. “As an event, each gathering of people is a train is just as an event like a concert,” says Uhlmann.

Created: 04.03.2020, 19:08 PM