One ring might have been enough to rule them all (including hobbits, elves), but one ballot box is unlikely to be sufficient to draw all of his college’s electors. This is especially true in districts with fewer than 200 registered residents, which add up to nearly one hundred thousand people according to the most recent census. In these areas there won’t be any polling stations. In the case of Litos in Zamora they will need to catch a bus at 1 in the afternoon to get to Ferreras de Abajo to cast their vote. Those who are present will be able to vote. Another peculiarity of the Castilian-Leonese demoscopia, is that many registered people, particularly the elderly, live abroad with their children, or in a primary residence within the city. The effort of going to the town to vote on February 13th with the State Meteorological Agency indicating that it is raining is offset by the municipal ballot box. This is used to elect the mayor, who solves the problems of his neighbor.

The PP is so anchored in territory that it presents the most candidates each election in nine provinces within the autonomous community. This allows the PP to sustain a large part of its regional potential by accumulating ‘few’. Alfonso Fernandez Manueco has been trying to mobilize his councilors in response to the current trend in the polls. This is especially true in rural areas where Vox plans to give the more popular ones an electoral bite. This is something that the PSOE has done in cities where it has the potential. Socialist governments in Valladolid and Leon, Burgos or Segovia, Segovia, Soria, and the United Left in Zamora send the message of “communism, freedom” or “Sanchism, freedom” to this territory.

There were 40% fewer votes than the previous elections. This is a sign of indifference. The national media has been anticipating the extemporaneous call that was made to Sanchez, Casado and Abascal. They will not all be able to escape this appointment without some damage. The Center for Sociological Research found that 62.4% of respondents said they follow news about the election process with “little to no” interest.

2019 saw close to 37% participation by municipal companies at 2:00 pm. It was 36% in 2015. In Cope, Narciso Michavila from GAD3 predicted that if it drops below 33% at that time, this year, things could turn sour for the status quo of the majority. Participation drops and extremes win. The most mobilized are the winners and the rest of the distribution are squeezed. So the final result could depend on just a few hundred votes. Participation will be announced at three times. It will take place at 11:30 when the first incidents at polling stations will become known.

They believe that Ciudadanos is favorable for the undecided. The PSOE is also a favorite. It is not an insignificant issue. In the first intake of CIS, 26.9% were undecided and 23% the second. 29.8% of those polled said that they had decided which party they would vote for in the last week. Or, what is the difference? The week before the last electoral debate between Manueco and Igea. The PP has walked Isabel Diaz Ayuso (who was not part of the cartel at the time) to seize the street. It has changed from an anti-Sanchismo strategy to one that is more experienced. The PSOE boasted of the Sanchismo in the revaluation pensions, and Yolanda has pulled the labor reform as well as the interprofessional minimum wages. Igea lost his confidence and ran into a crowd with his shirt up. Vox has combined caravans from all over the territory. A further seven days have passed without official polls, due to electoral regulations. This makes the final result even more uncertain.

Manueco began to associate them with the “separatists”, in order to warn against the formation a Frankenstein government. Feijoo, his colleague, called them “subparties”. Soria Now is the truth. The great unknown of this electoral Sunday is the ’emptied Spains’ or the Union of the Leonese People or For Avila. Which votes will be removed and how many will become seats? Sorianos are now seen as the undisputed winners of their territory. A result that would have been considered normal, a solicitor would now be considered a Pyrrhic reward. UPL is determined to win the third seat that can fight. Vox has confirmed this. Avila is certain of his re-entry into the Cortes chamber and plans to become the second attorney. All that these parties increase means less in other forms. This is what worries the PP most and the PSOE the least.

At least one national headquarters will host nerve and emergency summits on Monday. If the PP fails to win comfortably, it will be goodbye to the strategy for electoral milestones towards Moncloa. This was the one that envisaged the reconquests of Castilla y Leon and Andalusia in spring 2023. And, tachan. the generals. Sideways glances will be paid to Teodoro Garcia Esea and Pablo Casado, who have been touched by the scandal of Alberto Casero. Andalusia, if the PSOE fails, will be shaken and the next one to face the grind that began in Madrid. Regional mayors and barons will start to separate themselves from the losing brand after an anti-sanchist campaign by their rivals. If Ciudadanos can add and resist, Arrimadas may survive by the hair. He will then be forced to rethink certain postulates and include those previously excluded in decision-making. The centrist project will be dissolved if another donut is lost. Hervias, the ex-orange driver, is waiting for the Andalusian call from Genoa to remove those who were his. He will have to wait. If United We Can’t recover ground, YolandaDiaz’s unchecked pursuit of a new project is the start of the demise of the project. Vox is the only one who seems calm. It is a part of the job of procurator, and it is something we take for granted. If he accumulates enough, he can choose to be part of the Government, or support the PP, and drop the wear and tear on Manueco. If not, then sell the thesis about unstoppable growth to Andalusia.

They are not open lists. You can choose one yes or one no. But at least you have the face of the candidate. They are essential. According to the CIS. The CIS. Pablo Fernandez, who arrived in this race in 2015, has a distinctive ‘look’ that includes blonde hair blowing in the wind and a well-known ‘look. With 88.4%, candidate Francisco Igea is second, behind Luis Tudanca (80.4%), and Alfonso Fernandez Manueco (94.7%). Surprisingly, 12.8% of those who answered the CIS questions did not know which party Francisco Igea belonged to.

The City Council of Valladolid has stacked urns in its warehouse. / Alberto Mingueza

The number of eligible voters decreases with each regional election but the census remains at more than two million. There will be 2,094,490 votes called to the polls. These will be placed at 4,531 tables. Local entities that do not have their own polling stations will need to send voters to another municipality. Routes have been set up for 1,359 locales, which will then have to travel 263 miles to the head municipalities of the polling station. These contests are open to voters as young as five years old. 51,755 voters will be eligible to exercise their right of vote for the first-time.

47,302 people have already sent their mail. However, only a handful of them chose to pick it up at home. 5,731.

The human team responsible for the normal development and conduct of the 13F elections consists of almost 33,000 people. This includes almost a third of agents from the National Police, Civil Guard and Municipal Police (9000), and almost 13,600 members to the electoral tables (some 3,000 who are responsible for opening schools, and some 2,000 municipal secretaries).