Just as there are hidden treasures, which are usually those of the heart, there are also hidden parishes in terms of architectural visibility. This is the case of that of Santiago el Mayor and Nuestra Señora de las Cruces, according to the official denomination of the Diocesan Guide. And I say hidden because whoever walks along Santa Cruz de Marcenado street, at number 11, in the central area of ​​Los Bulevares, the downtown district, the University and Arapiles neighborhoods, very close to the headquarters of the Comillas Pontifical University, will have to pay close attention to what passes in front of a Catholic parish. But what is hidden in this parish is what is manifest in Christian life, because the activity of Saint James the Greater, the most common denomination, is worthy of the ecclesial centers with more life of faith, hope and charity.

After all, the current temple of this parish is a commercial premises adapted to the needs of the celebration. A small space that can fit about twenty people and that requires creative solutions, such as a mirror in front of the altar so that the faithful can stand on the upper floor of the presbytery, facing the mirror, and thus follow what is happening in the altar. On the upper floor, like an amphitheater, there is also a beautiful Nativity Scene made of wood in 1975 by Raimundo Bazó Hernández, with assembly, lighting and sound by Ignacio Baquedano and Jaime Denis.

It is true that, at this time, the parish does not only have the chapel on Santa Cruz de Marcenado street as a place of worship. On Sundays there are two masses, the one at 11:00 and the one at 1:30 p.m., which are celebrated in Our Lady of Monserrat, in the PP. Benedictines of San Bernardo Street. And a mass in the added location of Calle San Hermenegildo, 32, at 12 noon, which is the headquarters of Cáritas, catechesis and many of the activities of this parish. Until the closure for reform of the beautiful and historic temple of the nuns Comendadoras de Santiago, the parish used that place as one of its worship centers. Of the temple of the Comendadoras de Santiago, it will be necessary to write in due course, once the restoration process to which it has been subjected for years is concluded.

The key to this pilgrim parish, which has 5,900 registered faithful, neighbor of the parishes of San Marcos and Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, is also the work of its historic parish priest, Don Eugenio Garcés, more than fifty years as parish priest. Currently, the parish priest is the priest Laerte Jamil Rinaldi Colombo, of Brazilian origin and of missionary background. The new parish priest, who has been in this community for a few months, is collecting the best of the heritage of a parish that is characterized, among other things, by the economic generosity of its parishioners.

To get an idea of ​​the miracle of Santiago el Mayor, here is the list of groups and activities that make up the pastoral program for the 2021-2022 academic year, once the pandemic has disappeared from the scene. In addition to the communion and adolescent catechesis, there is the youth group, the Bible group, the young families group and the Ascending Life group. The parish has a vacation toy library, with care for children, during the vacation period, schoolchildren, whose parents work, school support classes and educational reinforcement and now the summer camp is being finalized. There is also a senior citizens’ club, with the usual physical activities, and a cultural classroom. Eucharistic devotion is important for this community, with expositions of the Blessed Sacrament on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and Nocturnal Adoration on the last Friday of the month at 9:00 p.m. Special attention is also paid to the care of the sick.

Caritas is one of the pillars of the parish. At this time it serves 31 families. The distribution of food takes place on the last Tuesday of each month and is nourished by donations from the Food Bank and occasional help from the faithful to complete the basket that is delivered. The generosity of the faithful continues to keep this parish open, which goes too unnoticed.