Just a few hours after being proclaimed president of the Popular Party of Galicia this Sunday, Alfonso Rueda defended this Saturday, at the start of the party’s 18th congress, in Pontevedra, a candidacy that, not because it is unique, makes him believe that the Things will be “simple” in the second of the two challenges – after the one of the Xunta – that he assumes when he succeeds Alberto Núñez Feijóo. “I don’t take anything for granted at all. It is clear to me that today we are beginning a fundamental path (…). If we do it with the whole world from beginning to end, it is a path that will turn out well.

That request to go hand in hand in a “new fundamental stage” is linked to the two demands that he has made to his colleagues: first, “unity”, because “if we are not united, we have nothing”; and as a second «fundamental quality», that «we continue to be humble», «as is the normal people of Galicia».

Rueda, in the most organically interesting part of his speech, revealed the names of his new team. A structure in which the deputy secretaries stand out. With these members: in organization, again, Pedro Rojo; in municipal action and local politics, José Manuel Rey follows; in equality, repeats Raquel Touriño; rural councils, also new, for José Ángel Santos, mayor of Friol; electoral action, repeats Gabriel Alén; a new family for Albeto Pazos Couñago, who is leaving the organization; sectoral action, follow Olga Iglesias; and in the also new participation, Marta Fernández-Tapias, president of the PP of Vigo, enters. Two deputy secretaries that corresponded to two ministers disappear: green agenda (Ángeles Vázquez) and public services (Fabiola Martínez).