When the 5G network is rolled out, will be the vulnerability to cyber-attacks bigger, warns the Centre for Cyber security.
the Threat from hackers and organized criminal groups will be very high in Denmark, under the 5G network, which is expected to be rolled out in the coming years.
this is the sound of the warning in a Danish risk assessment of Privebet the 5G network of the Center for Cyber security.
It writes Jyllands-Posten.
the 5G network is expected to be a central part of society’s infrastructure and will be a driving force for everything, from traffic lights, self-driving cars and robotics at the hospitals.
the Future of cyber threats must be seen in the light of the vital role that the 5G network is expected to have in the future.
It explains Thomas Lund-Sørensen, head of Centre for Cyber security.
– It changes with the 5G, is that we are going to see many more devices connected to the network, and so will the vulnerability to cyber-attacks become bigger, he says to Jyllands-Posten.
the 5G technology will, among other things, provide higher speed, faster data transfer and more capacity.
But there are also serious concerns linked to the new technology.
on Thursday last week pointed to the EU’s Agency for Network and information Security agency (Enisa) on the eight threats that come with 5G technology.
Among other things, performs so-called cyberkrigere as new on the list. Cyberkrigere will be a part of the threat landscape in cyberspace, both as “defenders” and “attackers” and is expected to be a part of the dominant countries ‘ defense.
Teleanalytiker Torben Rune have read the Danish risk assessment. He believes that it shows that the Danish authorities are alarmed about the future threats.
– It is surprising that one assesses the threat as “high” or “very high” in so many places. You are alarmed, and there is probably also a good reason to, he says to Jyllands-Posten.