In the Frankfurt terror trial against a suspected group of “Reich citizens”, the defense of Henry XIII. Prince Reuss once again rejected the accusations of the prosecution. There were no concrete facts in the indictment, criticized defense attorney Roman von Alvensleben on Thursday before the Frankfurt am Main Higher Regional Court. It is a judgmental accusation that he clearly criticizes.

With regard to his client, there is talk of a “state that he hates.” Reuss has so far lived and acted on the basis of the Basic Law and other laws. There were no acts of violence and there should not have been any. Von Alvensleben once again criticized the division of the proceedings into a total of three court locations in Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Munich. But his client can only exercise his rights in one place. 

The legal team also asked that Reuß be allowed to greet his partner, 40-year-old Vitalia B., who is also accused, in court and exchange a few sentences with her. Even if that is understandable, both defendants are in a criminal trial, replied presiding judge Jürgen Bonk. The separation of perpetrators applies here. In addition, controlling the content of the conversation is extremely difficult. According to Bonk, a greeting should be made possible, “but that must be it.” An exchange of content should not take place.

Von Alvensleben also criticized the fact that media representatives were on site when his client was arrested in December 2022. Information was passed on to media representatives and this resulted in prejudgment. The representatives of the Federal Prosecutor’s Office rejected the accusation that they had passed on information to the media.

The trial against the group began on Tuesday in Frankfurt under high security precautions. It will continue next Tuesday.

The Federal Prosecutor’s Office accuses nine men and women of being members of or supporting a terrorist organization. Prince Reuss acted as a ringleader. A violent coup is said to have been planned.

The trial of the so-called military arm of the group began in Stuttgart at the end of April. The other alleged members of the group will also go on trial in Munich from June 18.

Note: This text has been updated.