18. august 2018 is a day that the former ‘Paradise Hotel’ and ‘nice to love’-participant Fie Maria Krügermejer never forget.

She thought she had found love, but in the late summer of last year, between the hours of 01: 00 and 03.55 it went wrong between the pair, and Fie were subjected to violence, theft and threats.

Back in april, was the case to court, where Fie’s ex-girlfriend was convicted of violence against her. He got 40 days in jail, 60 days of community service and to pay the costs.

even Though the proceedings thus is a closed chapter, says Fie, Maria, to the time after the lawsuit has been difficult for her.

– It is no secret that it has been no dance on roses. The consequences subsequently, it has almost been worse, because I have had so many mental problems after having experienced psychological and physical violence. I have been struggling a lot with anxiety, and I could not like to take on work in the morning or home in the evening, tells Fie Maria to Ekstra Bladet.

Fie Maria participated in the ‘Paradise Hotel’ in 2018. Photo: TV3

– I was really upset for a long time, where my mother was nervous for me. I was depressed and did not dare to take in the city now, if I ran into him. At the same time, I could not cope with the sudden movements. I was almost a bit crazy. There are far more who struggle with it, than you think. Fortunately, the penalty for violence has been increased much, and is beaten harder down on it now. So I can only hope for the best for the girls who are going through the same as me, continue Fie Maria, which, fortunately, is getting better day by day.

– of course, There are days Betlike that are better than others, but I think everyone has their struggles, so it is not because I have it worse than others. With the right help, good people around, providing good support, so you get really far.

Danish well-known – 7. nov. 2019 – at. 21:03 ‘Paradise’-babe cheering after the fourth mastectomy: Now is the end

Fie Maria struggling to get over the difficult past, but one of the things that remind her of unpleasant times, are a tattoo behind your ear, which she got while she was still together with ex-boyfriend.

Now, however, she started to get it removed, and it is a big step in the direction to lay the time with ex-boyfriend completely behind him.

– It should be removed, because it symbolizes my ex-girlfriend. Therefore, the just away. It is ugly and reminds me of an ugly time in my life. So it really is time to be away, so I can put it completely behind me, tells Fie Maria to Ekstra Bladet.

Here is the Fie’s tattoo. Private.

– It means a lot to me to get it removed. This will be a great sentence when it’s gone. It takes a couple of months before it is completely gone, when I should have six-eight treatments. It must be the punishment for getting such a stupid tattoo. It is not just a dumb tattoo made in a brandert, as the deeper rooted and is one of the many scars that the man has given me, she continues.

I regret the tattoo and everything that has to do with him. He was almost allowed to destroy me and my relationship to my family and friends, deepens the Fie Maria.

It may perhaps surprise someone to Fie Maria first started to get the tattoo removed now, now when she is so upset about it, and it gives her bad memories.

It is, however, a reason for this:

– I have been nervous for the pain, but then I got an offer from a clinic that wanted to help me. I have a scrappy me and been sad a long time, so I thought that I would jump into it now, and I am deeply grateful that the clinic will help me, saith the reality-baben.

– in Fact, it ended up to go super fine with the pain. I spent some painfree-cream before, and so there was almost nothing that the brand in fact. It was over in a jiffy, she continues happy.

Fie Maria has since ex-boyfriend got a new boyfriend, Daniel, whom she is very fond of. She is also started to train as a eventkoordinator, so she has really started a new chapter in his life.