The United Nations (UN) currently recognizes 195 independent countries in the world. Among them are its 193 member states and two permanent observer states – the Vatican and Palestine. Knowing all the capitals by heart would be a real talent. Here you can put your knowledge to the test.

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Berlin, Paris, London, Madrid, Brussels, Istanbul – many capitals are well known and familiar. You are big and famous. Attract tourists and are places of political decisions. We read the city names in the media all the time. But apart from the major tourism destinations and politics, only the experts know their way around. And sometimes the attention to a city deceives us so much that we forget the name of the capital altogether.

What is the capital of Australia? A little tip: Sydney is not. Even if you might think so at first. If you don’t deal with Australia, you probably can’t even remember the name of the capital.

Capital cities are also not always the largest cities in a country. New York City, for example, has around 18 million more inhabitants than the US capital. And that’s not all: The capital cities also appear in very different dimensions: The metropolitan area of ​​Tokyo comprises around 37 million people. While the capital of Berlin “only” has around 3.6 million inhabitants.