Crises. Crises everywhere. The feeling of being in the middle of a time of crisis is currently affecting many people. And for good reason, because inflation, war, climate and energy crises are just a few examples of the many challenges of our time. And those are just the social aspects. Often there are also the private and professional worries and hurdles of each individual. Yes, it’s not easy for us.
But how do you treat yourself with respect during a difficult time? The key to dealing with crises healthily is resilience. Our psychological resilience has a significant impact on whether we despair or grow in times of crisis. Resilience is based on a total of seven pillars: optimism, acceptance, solution orientation, responsibility, network orientation and future planning.
In every difficult phase of our lives, we have the choice to let every single pillar of it grow – or to bury our heads in the sand and wait for the storm to blow over us. But the good thing about resilience is that with every crisis we overcome, we are better prepared for the next one. And because life doesn’t go in a straight line, the next crisis, big or small, will almost certainly come knocking at some point.
If that happens again, many people will initially feel helpless and overwhelmed. Targeted self-reflection helps you remember your resilience and overcome the crisis better. The following 15 questions can be a starting point in your search for how to deal well with crises.
By the way: If you don’t have an answer to the questions right away, that’s absolutely no problem. Some questions take time to take effect. It is important to take your time to actually find answers that will help you.
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