The second big performance of her life Valentina Tereshkova had this week in front of the Russian Duma: “Why should we rack our brains, and any artificial constructs create,” said the 83-Year-old debate about what is the role of Vladimir Putin should play after the expiration of his term of office in 2024 in Russia. “If the people want it, we give the President the opportunity to run again.”

So the big mystery was revealed, as it should go with the long-time ruler more, for already all sorts of new special items discussed had been.

The rescue of the President was, of course, not been left to anyone, but a heroine of the Nation. The first big appearance Tereshkova in front of almost 60 years, had. In 1963, the then 26-Year-old flew aboard the space capsule Vostok 6 for almost three days in All, 48 times they circled the earth. A feat in the literal sense, because Tereshkova was only bleaching a few months behind.

they had been put in a centrifuge, on a special chair spun, high pressure and extreme temperatures. When she collapsed, she was found to be robust enough, in the glittering world of men, the Russian space join. Yuri Gagarin with the Rock called it, the then Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev; the space legend Gagarin flew in 1961 as the first human into space.

Pretty, sympathetic and brave

the choice fell on Tereshkova, also had to do with the young woman represented the ideal Soviet citizen: a simple girl from the people, the mother a textile worker, the father is truck driver, fell in the Second world war. The daughter worked early on in a factory for car tyres and, later, as a textile worker. In the evening she studied at the pilot plant and made the party work.

And Tereshkova was pretty, sympathetic and, above all, brave. And it had to be you: The former space capsules were called behind his Hand contemptuously tin cans – they were tight, uncertain, and dangerous.

Valentina Tereshkova, post girl of the Soviet Union. Photo:

But Tereshkova mastered all of the problems that appeared during the flight and failed to mention the Propaganda like. She was a Star not only in the Soviet Union, but also abroad, and got to the world mountains of the order. But her greatest desire was denied to her by the Soviet leadership: it was not allowed to return into space.

Instead, Tereshkova of the Communist party was sent on a political Mission and remained after the end of the Soviet Union, the particular Kremlin parties loyal to it. In 2011, she was elected finally to the Parliament, where she advocated for the Putin-proclaimed conservative values. They, however, remained largely in the Background until her Grand appearance on Tuesday.

Despite the policy of the space Tereshkova has released never. According to her, a valley on the moon and a small planet named. And as a few years ago, flights were discussed on the Mars, was immediately fire and flame: “To the Red planet, I would leave with no prospect of return, immediately.”

Created: 11.03.2020, 17:09 PM