According to a report produced by the Ministry of Education on the soon to be defunct Ethics and Religious Culture course and made public by La Presse, it is increasingly difficult to address “sensitive” subjects in class.

Like religion, intolerance, racism or bullying.

Because it creates tension.


Soon, if this continues, the teachers will do like Michelle Setlakwe, the Liberal candidate in Mont-Royal–Outremont: they will no longer talk about “dividing” subjects.

Just gnangnans subjects that make consensus.

On the one hand, we will find ourselves with schools that refuse to tackle delicate subjects, under the pretext of not offending the sensibilities of the little rabbits and their parents.

And on the other, social media that will look like open sewers.

Moreover, the two phenomena are closely linked.

The more reasonable people are prevented from talking intelligently about certain topics in school and in mainstream media, the more people will turn to social media to discuss those topics – with the result we know.

You don’t need to be a genius in psychology or sociology to understand that.

It’s like with children: the best way to make your son stuff himself with candy when he goes out with his friends is to prevent him from eating it at home.

He will develop a real obsession for the “forbidden fruit”.

That’s why Adam bit into the apple.

Not because he felt like eating an apple. But because we kept telling him that he had no right to eat an apple!

You don’t want your teacher to talk to you about racism?

OKAY. It’s a bozo who records naked videos at three in the morning with a bag of Doritos between his thighs who will tell you about it.

Censorship does not prevent people from discussing certain topics.

It just pushes them to discuss it outside of traditional channels.

Where fake news and conspiracy theories abound.

Just as I prefer my children to buy their pot at the SQDC rather than Johnny at the park, who would take the opportunity to sell them coke and opioids, I prefer that they discuss “sensitive subjects” with their teachers rather than with a guy who “did his research” on an obscure site dedicated to the Illuminati, and who would lead them to believe that man never went to the Moon.


In France, the situation is such in some schools that teachers can no longer even talk about the Holocaust.

Even the teaching of history has become problematic!

As for discussions on freedom of expression, we do not even think about it.

A teacher was beheaded for talking about Muhammad cartoons!

And wait until the decolonialists arrive in secondary and elementary schools: they say that mathematics is a racist science!

As if 2 2 equals 4 only for White!

After that, one wonders why there is a shortage of teachers and police officers.

Like !

What sane person would want to do such a job?