In the gardens of the Palacete Albéniz, with unrivaled visits to the city of Barcelona, ​​Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía attended a workshop led by Hadi Partovi this morning. The daughters of Felipe VI and Queen Letizia participated in this course along with three former winners of the Princess of Girona Foundation and six young people from the “Generation Teachers” programme, who have been trained in programming with the aim of bringing code language to the classrooms.

At the same time, inside the residence, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia held a meeting with the members of the Advisory Council of the Princess of Girona Foundation. As soon as it was over, the King and Queen went out to the garden to meet their daughters and the workshop participants.

They then went to the Albéniz Palace, where they proceeded to the traditional meeting with winners of previous editions of the Princess of Girona Foundation.

Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía’s trip to Catalonia began yesterday with a visit to Figueras. It was the first time that the Heir to the Crown set foot in the province of Gerona, the symbolic capital of the independence movement. They visited the Dalí Theater Museum together with young people from the Princess of Girona Foundation, a cultural activity that the Princess liked a lot and found “very impressive”.

The Albéniz Palace is owned by the Barcelona City Council, but when the Royal Family visits the Catalan capital, the consistory gives it to them so that the King can use it for his audiences in the city and as a residence. During the time that the Royal Family is in Albéniz, it is the National Heritage that is in charge of its management. Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía had already been to the Palacete Albéniz on some of their previous visits to Barcelona, ​​but this 48-hour trip was also the first time they used it as a residence.