Valerie Pecresse was able to repay the personal loan of 5.1 millions euros she took out to pay for her presidential election in 2022, according to “Le Parisien”. After her defeat in the first round (4.78%), LR, ex-candidate, found herself without the ability to repay the loan in full with public funds, as she had not received the required 5% of votes.

She was unable to repay him personally so she appealed for donations. It was dubbed the “Pecressethon” and raised 3.3 million euros, according to “le Parisien”. It would have been a participation of 20,000 people. Nicolas Sarkozy also sent a check for 2000 euros to the president of the Ile-de-France Region. However, he was refused because he had not received enough support during his campaign.

This sum is augmented by 1.2 million euros from Les Republicains party. They have transformed their loan for the presidential election into financial participation. He was paid 600,000 euro from the state. These funds are linked to the second installment for reimbursement of candidates who received less that 5% in the election. Valerie Pecresse would, however, have spent 4,600 euros from her own pocket.