The case has struck high waves: The Department of foreign Affairs (FDFA) whistle last summer, the Stans Pilatus aircraft back and ban them lucrative training and equipment transactions with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, as these countries lead in the Yemen war. Based on the mercenary act was it, Pilate bar, forbidden to support foreign armies.

On Thursday, Parliament has granted the Federal Council the mandate to loosen the law, it is only since the into force in 2015. Cause two Motions, the found in two chambers of a majority. The a comes from the security-political Commission of the Council of States. It requires legal security for the local defence industry.

“safety is relevant for our country,”

The “excessive interpretation” of the law in the case of Pilate, the result is that companies need to run your business with Service, training and maintenance services abroad. “This is not only harmful to the Swiss business location, but safety is directly relevant for our country”, say it in the Motion. The second initiative comes from the pen of the cantonal FDP of States Hans Wicki . He calls that Service, training and maintenance from the mercenary law be excluded, also with explicit reference to the case of Pilate.

Both Motions have been found in the Parliament with significant majorities, even though the Federal Council argued against it. He has already put the prospect to review mercenary law, and especially the separation of the war material and of the goods control act to watch. Pilate had for the export of military-to-military training flight Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to Saudi a permit from the state Secretariat for economic Affairs (Seco). This included the view of Pilate, and Seco Service, training and maintenance – but not in the view of the EDA .

The security policy Commission of the national Council was, however, the FDFA is also not convincing. It recommended that the Motions about 15 to 10 votes for adoption. The national Council followed the Commission and adopted the Motions of 103 to 86, respectively, 105 to 86 votes and in each case, with one abstention. With no SP, Green, GLP and EPP voted.

“aid to the war-mongering in the Yemen”

The group for a Switzerland without an army (GSoA) criticized the sharp. “The Parliament makes the stirrup-holder of Pilate,” says the political Secretary Lewin Lempert. Pilate bar, “aid to the Saudi war-mongering in the Yemen”. Saudi pilots on Swiss machines, bombed refugee camps, hospitals and schools.

now the GSoA is threatening the corridor in front of the people, Should lead the Motions to the mercenaries of the law is softened, and the Export is simplified by the military services abroad, they will check the group for a Referendum.

Created: 12.03.2020, 08:36 PM