Diakonie President Rüdiger Schuch does not want to tolerate convinced AfD voters in his own ranks. “Anyone who votes for the AfD out of conviction cannot work in the diakonia,” Schuch told the newspapers of the Funke media group.

“Basically, these people can no longer count themselves as part of the church, because the AfD’s anti-human worldview contradicts the Christian view of humanity.” It is true that you should first speak to the employee concerned and make it clear to him that there is no place for inhumane statements in Diakonie facilities. “But if that doesn’t change anything, there must be consequences under labor law,” said Schuch. He added: “Anyone who supports the AfD has to go.”

With its more than 33,000 offers, Diakonie Deutschland is, according to its own information, one of the largest providers of facilities for the care and support of people nationwide. More than 627,000 people work full-time in the Protestant welfare association’s facilities.

Schuch also called on employers in Germany to ask their employees to vote. “They should also make it clear that it is important not to use their vote to strengthen the enemies of democracy.” Democracy is not a sure-fire success. Schuch added: “Every company in Germany should therefore examine its attitude and ask itself whether it is doing enough to maintain the open society.”