According to the association, general practitioners are observing less interest in vaccinations against the corona virus. “Vaccination is our sharpest sword in the fight against severe courses. It is all the more regrettable that the vaccination campaign is currently stagnating,” said the Federal Chairman of the German Association of General Practitioners, Markus Beier, of the Funke media group.

The doctors did not receive nearly as many inquiries from patients as recommended by the Standing Vaccination Committee, said Beier. “Of course, the colleagues in their practices use every opportunity to provide information about the vaccinations, but the output is now rather meager.” You have to say it very clearly: “The run on corona vaccinations has now slowed down to a crawl.”

64.8 million people have received at least one vaccination, according to the Health Ministry’s vaccination dashboard. 10.3 million people have therefore received a second booster vaccination. The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) currently recommends a second corona booster vaccination for people over 60 and people with previous illnesses.