Due to a revision of the law, the inventory of the Zurich civil guards is significantly reduced. Protection and rescue for civil protection in the city of Zurich, responsible, has now taken an unusual measure. At the beginning of February, you wrote to over 1000 Civil activist Born in 1989 and older, the service requirement by 1. January 2021 shall be fulfilled.

In the Letter, about the “look” has reported, ask the Department head whether the civil guards would be willing to commit to volunteering for a further three years. Until the end of February have reported 30 people who want to volunteer more. “We are very positively surprised that so many Volunteers have discovered,” says media spokesperson for Julia Graf.

12 instead of 20 years of service obligation

the Revision of the Federal law on the population and civil protection, which should be implemented in the coming year in power, was the compulsory service of 20 to 12 years reduced. “Thus loses protection and rescue, an estimated 50 percent of their inventory,” says Graf. The civil guards are about Fäscht in the Street Parade, the Zurich-or as a support for various retirement homes in the use.

The Canton be required of 2000 civil guards – a bit too much, as the count says: “In the city of Zurich, we need between 1000 and 1400 individuals.” Per year, around 130 new will be recruited. As the 30 volunteers who have now reported are not sufficient. However, Graf says, the letter campaign was a great success: “Still more positive feedback a go.” In addition, the protection and rescue with other civil activists to-face discussions about a voluntary extension of their compulsory service.

civil guards in the Canton of Zurich are spread across 39 different organizations. In the autumn of 2019, the Canton has given to the competent Federal office, to have a stock of 4.5 percent. Even if the consequences of the law will occur revision yet, as stated by the cantonal office for military and civil protection, to be prepared for the future. In the current planning of the project “civil protection 2022” would take into account the reduction of stocks. “This project is on track,” says spokesman Janos. So you will be able to do the core tasks continue to meet.

Created: 10.03.2020, 16:38 PM