The two decades puts namely the time for the biggest boom in construction of new houses – but in a large number of the country’s major cities is new construction will also boom in the recent past; in the 00’s and 10’s.

It shows new data from men

In the municipalities of Aarhus, Vejle, Silkeborg, Horsens, and Randers, the number of houses built since the year 2000, making it the highest since the docklands are now booming in the 60’s and 70’s.*

It’s the same in a series of liberal municipalities, which, among other things, Roskilde, Holbæk, Hillerød, Køge and Ringsted since the year 2000 also had the highest increment of new houses since the 1960s and 70s.

– It is attractive to build a new house at the moment. The low rate means that a newly built house does not have to cost much more to live in than an older house, when one simultaneously takes into account the cost of maintenance and heating, says Lise Nytoft Bergmann, who is chief analyst and boligøkonom hos Nordea Credit.

– currently it is In the medium-sized cities, where prices are rising the most. Many first-time buyers think that prices have been too high in the largest cities in the country, and therefore they seek a little further out in the country. Many are, however, not willing to compromise on big city life and facilities, and here is the medium-sized cities a good match.

Sluggish market for nybyg

Some municipalities, however, have also experienced the opposite trend – namely, that the Grandbetting number of new houses has been at its lowest since the turn of the millennium. And when it comes to these places in the country, there are special talk about the municipalities where the housing market on the whole is stiff.

the island of Lolland, Barrels, Thisted municipality and Guldborgsund, all of which are among the country’s five cheapest municipalities to buy a house in, is also among the places, where the period since the year 2000 accounts for the lowest number of newly built houses.

new construction is still low in municipalities that are experiencing nettofraflytning or ageing population. In those cases you can often get a used house at a very low price, and therefore it often does not pay to build a new house, says Lise Nytoft Bergmann from the Nordea Credit.

Also in the Gentofte Municipality, in the first half of 2019 had the country’s highest salgskvadratmeterpriser for villas and townhouses, the number of newly constructed houses according to men study.dks data in completely.

But even though the area price per square meter near 48.000 crowns testify to Nordsjællandkommunen is in high demand, offers municipalities as just Gentofte according to Lise Nytoft Bergmann simply not on the same favourable opportunities for nybyg.

– In the individual municipalities is the new build low, because there are no available plots of land, or because there are many heritage houses, which has been well maintained. It applies, for example, in san antonio.
Here will be a cheap typehouse not always fit into, and if you both are out in a tear-down-and-build-new-solution – and at the same time must have an architect designed house on the site, so if you are up in the high price, she says.

See the cheapest building plots here

*men has calculated the number of houses with built in periods: before 1900, 1900-1919, 1920-1939, 1940-1959, 1960-1979, 1980-1999, and 2000 or newer. The figures are broken down per. municipality.

Here you can see the municipalities with the highest number of newly built homes since the 1960-1979