Nurses from Castilla-La Mancha have taken to the streets, on the occasion of International Nurses Day, to show in a united and participatory manner that, “now and always, they are a safe value to guarantee the health and quality of life of the society as a whole, so we must invest more in their professional and work development».

With the motto ‘Nurses for a healthy, sustainable, equitable, inclusive and innovative future’, and summoned by the Nursing Union, Satse, the nurses gathered together carrying posters and messages that showed the value, importance and need for a professional health group that, before, during and after the Covid-19 pandemic, “is a pillar, benchmark and engine of our National Health System”.

With a single voice, the nurses concentrated in the hospitals of Ciudad Real, Albacete, Cuenca, Guadalajara and Talavera de la Reina have wanted to convey to all administrations, private health companies and citizens that the profession requires a greater commitment in in terms of public, political and social recognition to be able to continue advancing further, both professionally and at work, for the comprehensive well-being of all.

The nurses concentrated this Thursday in Castilla-La Mancha have asked to be able to work with sufficient means and resources in safe and healthy environments that allow them to carry out their work without overload, tension and terrible and precarious conditions that, in the end, have a negative impact on their health and safety and that of patients.

“We ask to be treated with respect and dignity, that we be recognized professionally as Group A, that we be allowed to retire early, that there continue to be no discrimination or inequalities based on gender, that the reconciliation of professional and personal life be favored and, Above all, that we are enough in the centers so that we can provide assistance and care with the maximum guarantees and highest quality possible, ”they have highlighted.

Likewise, Satse has underlined, like the rest of the international and national organizations and institutions that celebrate International Nurses Day today, that investing in nurses, respecting their rights and demands, is the best guarantee to improve the overall health of society in our country and the rest of the world.

In addition, he wanted to make visible on the day of International Nurses Day “the excellent care and care work carried out by more than 300,000 nurses in our country in health and socio-health centers”, as well as in other areas of action, such as educational centers, companies, the army, humanitarian emergencies, in addition to training, teaching, research, management, or prevention and promotion of healthy lifestyles, among others.

“Health professionals who are a clear example of effort, dedication and commitment despite the fact that their professional and working conditions have suffered a notable deterioration in recent years, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, and who, despite the commitments made by the set of public administrations and political parties, they remain unresolved, they affirm from the union organization, ”the union has reported in a press release.

It is a “decisive moment, after two years of fighting the coronavirus pandemic, for all actions and measures to improve the care and care provided by nurses to more than 47 million people, in addition to humanization, closeness and empathy”, they point out from Satse.