Every now and again, the Internet is abuzz with anecdotes about Neil Armstrong. It is almost as popular as Buzz Aldrin’s video of him dealing with a Moon conspirator “like a criminal”.

This is the story of Neil Gaiman. It’s usually posted as Tumblr screenshot. Gaiman was among a group of scientists, artists, writers, and other prominent celebrities. He felt that he had not achieved enough to be worthy of the honor among the other greats at the gathering, which lasted for several days.

“I was certain that they would soon realize that I wasn’t qualified to be there. They were looking for people who have done great things.”

This feeling is commonly known as “impostor Syndrome”. Although not a diagnosisable condition, the term was coined in 1978 by Suzanne Imes and Pauline Rose Clance.

The psychologists explained that the term “impostor phenomenon” is used to describe an inner experience of intellectual phonies. This appears to be especially prevalent among high-achieving women.

“Numerous accomplishments, which one might expect would provide ample evidence of superior intellectual functioning,” do not seem to have any effect on the belief in impostors.

External factors are not the only factor that can cause this syndrome. It doesn’t make you an impostor just because you feel that way. Gaiman, a respected author, felt it at the event. He met another attendee who helped to put it all into perspective.

Gaiman wrote on his blog that he confirmed the story and said, “On my second or three night there, I stood at the back hall while a musical entertainment was happening, and I began talking to a very polite, elderly gentleman about several matters, including our shared initial name.”

He then pointed at the crowd and said something like, “I look at all these people and I wonder, what am I doing? They have done amazing things. “I just went where God sent me.”

And I replied, “Yes.” You were the first man to walk on the moon. That counts. ‘”

Yes, even the first person to step foot on the Moon after a long and difficult selection process feels this way. Gaiman wrote that he felt better after the encounter.

“Because if Neil Armstrong felt like an impostor, maybe everyone did. Perhaps there weren’t grown-ups. Maybe only people who worked hard, got lucky, and were slightly outof their depth. We all did the best job possible, and that is all we can hope for.