the Police are massively present in a strandvejskvarter in southern Jutland.

“They are to carry a dead man out now,” says B. T. s photographer, on site.

He states that both the police, the ambulance and a ligvogn to the present. A person has been led away wearing one of the police white dna-suits.

the Action takes place on Vemmingbund Strandvej, near the southern jutland town of Broager.

B. T. have tried in vain to get information about the action from the vagtchefen at the South Jutland Police, Ngsbahis but we have been told that he is too busy to talk on the phone. To SønderborgNYT inform vagtchefen that it is not a crime.

“We can tell, it was about, there was found a dead person in a house and we have now investigated the matter and can say there has been anything criminal,” says the officer to SønderborgNYT.

According to the photographer arrived the police by 12-time, where they barricaded a 300 meters out for a property on the beach road. Now there is only blocked by the site itself.

“Two people wearing DNA-suits are gone into in the house. It is probably the police technicians,” says the photographer.