five years Ago the Federal government decided on a Mega-project: the Museum of Modern art in Berlin. 200 million euros were earmarked for this – but now, explode en iyi casino siteleri the costs. On Thursday, the household advises the Committee.

Otto Fricke makes no secret of the fact: “The threshold Akcebet of pain of the FDP is exceeded on this project already for a long time, you must say it clearly.” The householder of the liberals in the Bundestag, is no great friend of the planned Museum of Modern art in Berlin. And Anja Hajduk of the Greens is anything other than enthusiastic: “This Museum is supposed to be finally accepted by the citizens,” says the Green-housekeeper. “And at the Moment, the Public is irritated completely. That is, actually, a Museum is what costs it wants to?”

1/4, The planned Museum of Modern art in Berlin
