The artist Gloria Gray has missed the move as mayor in the town hall of the Lower Bavarian town of Zwiesel. The non-party candidate competed in a runoff against SPD local politician Karl-Heinz Eppinger on Sunday evening. According to the preliminary count, he received 53.97 percent of the votes, and 46.03 percent of those entitled to vote voted for Gloria Gray. Voter turnout was just over half at 57.05 percent, as a city hall spokeswoman said.

In the local elections two weeks ago, 56-year-old Gloria Gray won almost 32 percent of the votes, but missed the absolute majority.

One of the reasons why the election in Zwiesel made headlines was that Gloria Gray became known as an artist with a transgender background. She was born in Zwiesel, left the city at the age of 18 and returned in 2010. In 2011 and 2016 she ran for the mayoral office in her hometown. She has been a member of the district council since 2020.

Notification of election results