Around 600 Catalans have sworn to the Flag today at the El Bruch barracks in Barcelona. The military act has been chaired by Brigadier General Joaquín Broch, military commander of Barcelona and Tarragona, and has been carried out after its suspension in the last two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic and prevention measures. In addition to the citizens who have sworn to the Flag, some 400 more people have attended the event.

After the reading of the formula of the solemn oath, carried out by the colonel in chief of the Barcelona Regiment number 63, Andrés Cenjor, the sworn in sealed their commitment to Spain by individually parading in front of the flags of the Arapiles 62, Barcelona 63 Regiments and the General Academy Basic Noncommissioned Officers, all these units established in Catalonia, as reported by the General Inspectorate of the Army in a statement.

In his speech, General Broch highlighted that with the organization of this swearing-in ceremony before the National Flag, the 63rd Infantry Regiment ‘Barcelona’ has had the opportunity to testify to its commitment to the city that gives it its name and to welcomes, as well as to express his gratitude for the affection that his neighbors offer him.

The commander also recalled that this is the first time that the citizens of Barcelona have been able to express their commitment before the flag of this new Regiment, created in 2020, and that it has inherited the historic name of the ‘Tercio de Voluntarios de Barcelona’, dating back to the 17th century.

The act has closed with a parade of the unit of honors before the sworn and the assistants, after which the participants have received the certificate of the oath and the traditional Backpack Flag. The General Inspectorate of the Army has regretted that, due to the large number of requests, it has not been possible to give an adequate response to all the requests, which will be resolved in future editions.