Only 26% of Catalans believe that the independence of Catalonia should be a priority for the current Government of the Generalitat, compared to 72% who reject that the autonomous Executive focus on that issue, according to an Ipsos survey for La Vanguardia , held between May 9 and 12.

At the same time, and in the event of a legal and agreed referendum, 51% would be in favor of Catalonia staying in Spain, while 39% would favor separation. Six out of ten citizens under the age of 35 would vote for remaining in Spain and the same would be 71% of the citizens who show more economic difficulties to make ends meet.

On the other hand, the survey asked about the tax pressure perceived by the citizens of Catalonia. And the result is that up to three out of four Catalans consider that more taxes are paid in Catalonia than in the rest of Spain. Only 15% believe that they are paid the same and an insignificant 1% think that they are paid less.

Likewise, the survey places the conduct of politicians as the main problem in Catalonia (20%), followed by independence (19%). Below, unemployment (12%) and the economic situation (11%) appear, which raises the mentions of this type of problem to a total of 23%. Only 2% specifically mention inflation as one of their main concerns.

The survey addresses another topic subject to controversy, the 2030 Winter Olympics in the Pyrenees, and which enjoy enormous social support. Specifically, almost 70% of Catalans are in favor of this Olympic event, and only 24% show reservations.

Finally, the survey asked about the formula to restore the linguistic consensus after the ruling that sets the presence of Spanish at school at 25%. Specifically, 54% of those consulted are in favor of schools teaching one more subject in Spanish if a broad agreement is achieved with that, compared to 43% who oppose it.