A dozen cases of monkeypox are under investigation in Montreal, while many cases have already been listed in different countries, and more specifically within the homosexual and/or bisexual community.

• Read also: A first case of monkeypox in Sweden

• Read also: A dozen suspected cases in Montreal

About forty cases have been listed in the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Italy, the United States, Sweden, in particular.

Symptoms are usually fever, muscle aches, and skin rashes that may suggest chancroid.

According to Dr. Réjean Thomas, founder of Clinique l’Actuel, the disease is more difficult to diagnose.

In an interview with TVA Nouvelles, he explained that Montreal public health will try to obtain the test results to confirm the smallpox cases as quickly as possible, within the next 48 hours.

In particular, he invites doctors to be alert and to have patients tested for STBBIs, and to carry out the appropriate biological investigations.

Montreal public health must provide an update at 11 a.m. on the situation.