Rocio Monasterio is the leader of Vox Madrid and has suggested to Isabel Diaz Ayuso that she make a choice if she wishes to be generous with Vox while forming a government. She does not have the absolute majority of the PP.

They depend on Vox, but they don’t have 69 seats. We gave our votes for nothing in exchange for the investiture, and now she has to decide if she will be generous with Vox, Monasterio transferred in an interview with esRadio, which was collected by Europa Press.

He indicated that they are still waiting to see Ayuso’s position, with which he said he had “congratulated himself” for having been able to get the left out of The Community of Madrid.

Monasterio believes that elections should be called in Andalusia, Murcia, and Madrid because it is impossible to count on the “risk” that Cs, and other Spanish citizens, will be in these governments. “You cannot continue with Pedro Sanchez,” as President of the Government that “It is going to ruin Spain and thousands of families and workers. “Politics is to get rid of the person who is ruining the country. He reiterated that elections must be held as soon as possible.