Nicolas Vanier, director of “Champagne”, was present at the Merignac–cinema on May 23, to present his latest film, a comedy about friendship. Director Nicolas Vanier said, “It’s nice not to see people wearing masks.” “Champagne,” right now, is a good movie. This production was a challenge for me. I decided to take a step and talk about friendship, which is a topic that is very dear to me. It was five weeks of travel with five friends that inspired me. It was shot in Champagne which is a region, but also a drink you should never drink by yourself and which symbolizes friendship. “I didn’t know much about the region, and was amazed at the close relationship between the vines and people.”

He also had the opportunity to work with the cast that he desired. “I found the remaining cast members from the five main cast. They were a group of real friends, both inside and outside the film. I hope to be able make another comedy soon. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. The public is needed to bring the cinema to life.

“Champagne!” With Elsa Zylberstein and Francois-Xavier Demaison, Stephane De Groodt will be released in theaters June 8.