The president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, has remarked this Wednesday that his Government “has had and will have health as its number one priority”, and will make a significant investment in technology but more importantly “in human capital”, because the “direct and personal” doctor-patient relationship is irreplaceable. He has also considered that “partisanship” must be removed from the debate on the public system and advocates making a pact not only regional but also national for the role that the Government of Spain also has.

Mañueco points out that Castilla y León is the community that proportionally invests the most in health, which does not have to be “something for professionals, for politicians, for union representatives, but rather something for the people of Castilla y León, for patients who need Health care”.

The President of the Board has made the closing speech of the official inauguration of the headquarters of the Official College of Physicians of Segovia, where he has walked the gauntlet that the president of the Autonomous Council of Colleges of Physicians of Castilla y León, José Luis Díaz Villarig, who has asked to remove public health from the political debate. Mañueco considers that more than the political debate, the “partisan” debate, to “try to remove partisanship.”

The formula to achieve this is to reach a Pact for Health, from all administrations. “We must recognize that the communities have a primary role but we cannot forget that the Government of Spain also has a fundamental role,” he argued, as it is the administration that enables MIR positions, homologates non-community professionals, the commitment to research or European funds.

For the president of Castilla y León, this Pact for Health, at a national and regional level, will be “important” and “a test of maturity”, for which his Government “will put all the meat on the grill so that it is a reality”.

The president of the Junta de Castilla y León has made the last speech at the inauguration of the new headquarters of the College of Physicians of Segovia, which has been operating for several months, in the neighborhood of the Community of Ciudad y Tierra. The mayor of the city, Clara Luquero, in one of her last official acts before leaving office, advanced that the file has been initiated for the declaration of the roundabout in front of this headquarters as a “doctors’ roundabout, in recognition of your labor.”

The event was also attended by the Minister of Health, Alejandro Vázquez; the president of the General Council of Medical Associations of Spain, Tomas Cobo Castros; the president of the Autonomous Council, José Luis Díaz Villarig; the current president of the Segovia College of Physicians, Graciliano Estrada, and his predecessor and promoter of the project, Enrique Guilabert; the Vice President of Regional Courts, Francisco Vázquez, among many other authorities and public officials.