The Minister of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development of Castilla-La Mancha, Francisco Martínez Arroyo, referred this Saturday to three burning issues: the flooding of the Tablas de Daimiel from the head of the Tagus, the supply of the La Mancha pipeline and the regularization of the wells of the Guadiana.

In an interview on regional television, in the special program ‘A pie de campo’ by Jorge Jaramillo, who is celebrating his 20th birthday, Martínez Arroyo assured that the Tablas de Daimiel will have six cubic hectometres to flood a thousand hectares of national park, a park “extraordinary and a wonder of nature.”

As for the La Mancha pipeline, “it will be launched very soon, at the beginning of next year, with 15 municipalities that will drink water of sufficient quality and quantity thanks to the governments of Spain and Castilla-La Mancha.”

Finally, regarding the Guadiana wells, the counselor believes that “it will end up being settled. This costs money. In a few weeks we will offer a solution perspective of everything that remains pending. In addition, he recalled what the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, told the Government: “If he does not dare to regularize the wells, for whatever reason, give us the delegation and the concession , which I sign. Then already, if someone denounces, that he denounces, but we dare ».

Martínez Arroyo explained that Castilla-La Mancha has an area of ​​seven hydrographic basins, there are even users of the Ebro and the Duero in Guadalajara, and although “all of them are very important”, the Guadiana is “the most complicated”.