“I’m damned hard to sur. I think it is so distasteful to treat its customers like that.”

Marie Roesen is harm. So the harm that she has sent a complaint about Boozt.com to the Consumer ombudsman.

She is one of the Boozt.com customers who have been excluded because of the ‘fair use’policy. A policy, which means that Boozt.com banishes the clients that send too many items back.

But it is bad customer service. Particularly, when Boozt advertises with free return, lydet it from Marie Roesen.

“I think not, you can advertise with easy return and then just say ‘bum, we delete you as a customer’. Not at all, when there never has been information on how much one may return.”

the Dissatisfaction of the shop was quickly transformed into action, after Marie Roesen Thursday received the email from Boozt, in which it sounded, that she had been banned.

Since it went up for her, that it was not a spam mail, she started to write a complaint to the Consumer ombudsman. She hopes that the authority will examine whether the Boozt.com acting in accordance with the rules.

In her head, at least not sense that a webshop might suddenly exclude customers without warning. Something else that also makes no sense for Marie Boesen, is that she is among the customers Boozt.com have said goodbye to.

From Boozt.coms page sounds the namely, that the ‘fair use’-politiken, it will only affect a minority – and not ordinary customers.

on Thursday afternoon explained sales and marketing manager for Boozt.com Peter G. Jørgensen, thus, for B. T.:

“to give an example: If you buy 300 orders, and returns 298 of them, so you do not purchase with intention to see if the dress fits.”

Marie Roesen acknowledges that she returns some goods. It happens if the size, the fit, the color or the quality is not equal, as she had expected.

You can get an overview of her purchases – and returns – the past year in the faktaboksen. Sometimes she kept it all. Sometimes only something. Some times it is all smoked in return.

But how is it, when you shop on the net, she stresses, just as she also tells that she does not believe she has the same pattern of consumption as sales Youwin and marketingchefens example.

the sales And the marketing manager are readily agree. B. T. has asked Peter G. Jørgensen evaluate Marie Roesens orders and returns. A calculation shows that she has returned 82 percent of the time, she has made an order.

“The 82 percent return is not enough in itself to exclude a customer from trading with us. There are also other parameters in our algorithm. We would like to point out that ‘fair use’ is introduced in order to ensure that we can deliver the best service possible to all our customers,” says Peter G. Jørgensen.

He explains that the customers who have been banned, on the average, a returrate of 90 percent – mainly with frequent frequency, or other extreme behaviour’, as he calls it. It is approximately 0,3% of the customers.

“It occupies an excessive number of resources, which goes beyond the services we can provide to the other 99,7 percent of customers.”

He tells that Marie Roesen feel free to contact Boozt.com who can manually review her case.

as for her complaint to the Consumer ombudsman, sounds from the Peter G. Jørgensen:

“We want to give all our customers the best experience possible. We conclude, therefore, like in a dialogue with the Consumer.”

no matter how the case ends, one thing is sure: Marie Roesen is finished as a customer of Boozt.com.

“I feel like I have been put in a stall, I do not belong in. I hope they change the policy and come up with an excuse,” she says and adds:

“I will never return. I think it is lousy, and I will remember them for the bad, even though I was a satisfied customer.”