
In a surprising turn of events, Mayor Jim Rostek of Madeira Beach has resigned, citing concerns of corruption within the city’s leadership. Before stepping down, he sent a letter to all residents outlining his reasons for leaving. Rostek expressed his disappointment with the current state of affairs in the small town, emphasizing the importance of ethics, safety, and fiscal responsibility.

During an emotional interview with FOX 13, Rostek explained that the stress of dealing with City Hall issues had taken a toll on his health. He expressed frustration with the city manager’s reluctance to implement policies that would address his concerns, particularly regarding wasteful spending and selective enforcement practices. Rostek’s departure has left many wondering about the future of Madeira Beach and the integrity of its leadership.

City Manager Robin Gomez responded to Rostek’s allegations, stating that while the mayor is entitled to his opinions, the city has addressed his concerns in a transparent and ethical manner. Gomez emphasized that the city continues to operate in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, despite Rostek’s claims of corruption.

With Rostek out of office, Anne-Marie Brooks has stepped in as the new mayor of Madeira Beach. A former city commissioner, Brooks is now tasked with leading the city through this period of transition. Meanwhile, city officials are preparing to discuss the appointment of a new city manager and have recently voted to renew the current manager’s contract.

As the community grapples with these changes, Rostek has expressed his hope that state officials will investigate the issues he raised during his tenure as mayor. His departure marks a turning point for Madeira Beach, as residents and local officials alike look towards the future with a renewed sense of accountability and transparency.