More than three hundred emergency services have been searching for a missing six-year-old child in Bremervörde in the Rotenburg district since Monday evening. According to police, the boy is autistic and does not respond when spoken to. “The whole story is dramatic,” said a police spokesman, referring to temperatures sometimes below 0 degrees Celsius on Tuesday night. The boy disappeared from his home on Monday evening – in socks and rather lightly dressed.

“The boy only recently learned how to open locked doors,” the police spokesman reported. “That may be the background.” The father immediately recognized the seriousness of the situation and informed the police. This immediately initiated search measures.

According to the spokesman, the fire department alone had more than 300 emergency services on the road that night, and the German Red Cross and the police were also searching. Search dogs, a drone, a boat and numerous volunteers were also in action. They searched the area around the boy’s home. There is a large area of ​​forest nearby.