
Let Us Monitor and Ensure Impartial Vote Counting, Say Civil Society Representatives

Several representatives of civil society organisations held meetings in Bengaluru and Delhi to discuss the manner in which the Lok Sabha elections were conducted and vowed to prevent any kind of malpractices or manipulations during the counting of votes.

After attending consultative meetings in Delhi on May 28 and Bengaluru on May 21, nine civil society representatives released a press statement, highlighting the need to ensure impartial vote counting and transfer of power according to the mandate. The group expressed concerns about potential manipulations during the counting process and stressed the importance of upholding the democratic values.

The representatives also raised apprehensions about the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) intentions to retain power through unethical means, such as manipulating the counting process or indulging in horse-trading. Emphasizing the need to safeguard the integrity of the democratic process, they declared their commitment to prevent any fraudulent activities and uphold the people’s mandate.

In a bid to ensure transparency and fairness in the election process, the group announced the formation of Vigilant Voters Task Force (VVTF) in all Lok Sabha constituencies of Karnataka and the country. The task force aims to monitor the vote counting process and raise awareness about the importance of implementing the electoral mandate.

The civil society representatives, including prominent leaders like N. Venkatesh, B.T. Lalithanayak, and Tara Rao, underscored the significance of citizen vigilance in upholding democracy. They called upon the administration to conduct impartial vote counting and urged citizens to actively participate in monitoring the process.

As the nation awaits the results of the Lok Sabha elections, scheduled to be announced on June 4, the group’s efforts to ensure fair and transparent counting of votes serve as a reminder of the collective responsibility to protect the democratic principles. Through their advocacy for impartial vote counting, the civil society representatives seek to uphold the spirit of democracy and safeguard the electoral process from any malpractices.