TV presenter Kurt Aeschbacher is concerned that in Zurich the background of violence against Gays because of an “ideologically framed view” beautiful would be talking about. Of politicians he expect you to “call the facts by name,” he said in an Interview with the NZZ. Aeschbacher, who is himself gay, criticised explicitly in the city of Zurich police Department Karin Rykart (Green).

reports of attacks on homosexuals have increased in Zurich, in the recent time. Recently it came in the middle of February to a knife attack close to the gay club Heaven, there were three injured. According to eyewitnesses, it was a targeted attack on gay men. The Zurich city police arrested and later as a tatverd scale, a 15-year-old Syrians.

“Any prohibitions on Thinking”

police head Rykart said in the NZZ that it would be easy to explain, “homophobia alone with a migration background”. Foreigners are not per se homophobic than the Swiss. “Because of various other components play a role – for example, the gender, the social Status, poverty, and addiction disorders.”

aesch Bacher replied that he could not share the assessment that anti-gay tendencies would have no cultural or religious Background. “Of course, you have this and say this is not xenophobic”. The city government had a duty to combat violence against minorities “without reservation” and not from “some Thought” to block.

port’s controversial claim

The issue of Migration after the attack of mid-February, the gay Zurich FDP national Councilor Hans-Peter Portmann picked up. He is irritated with the demand, whole families negative monkeys, whose members have made hate a crime is guilty: “Where Clans offences take place, it needs also clan liability”.

port Mann clarified to demand that young people be set with an immigrant background, according to studies is often homophobic. The ground for attacks against Gay people, the family likeness, this was therefore partly responsible. “If migration families do not comply with their integration obligations and a code of promote which our Constitution is contrary to and this crime, then you should lose your right of hospitality.”

so Far, no reliable statements about the number of acts of violence to make against homosexuals in the backgrounds of the perpetrators, because the police record such incidents statistically separately. In the city of Zurich should change this in the future. An urgent move by the two SP-MP Patrick Hadi Huber and Simone Brander, was transferred in November to the city Council demands it.

Created: 02.03.2020, 08:56 PM