The former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Government Josep Piqué has warned that the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, “has already lost” the war in Ukraine but “is not in a position to admit it”, so he believes that the “most likely” is that the conflict becomes chronic.

This was stated by Piqué in an interview on RTVE’s Canal 24 Horas newscast, in which he stressed that with the invasion Putin has managed to “boost” NATO and “strengthen the unity of action” of the EU, in addition to underline the international concept of Ukraine with a content that, “for generations”, will be “anti-Russian”.

For these reasons, he considers that the Russian president has already lost the war, but has warned that he will not recognize it, so the expected scenario is one of chronification. “It is very difficult for us to reach an armistice,” he said, predicting that there are still “months” or “more” of conflict left.

“Neither of the two parties has enough incentives to try a ceasefire, they believe that if the war continues they can get a little more revenue and can negotiate in the future in better conditions,” he also explained in this regard.

Likewise, he has pointed out that everything will depend on the “continuity and capacity” of Ukraine to “resist the advance” of Russia, which is related to the provision of weapons by the West.

In this sense, he highlighted the “firm” commitment of the international community to continue supporting Ukraine, especially by the United States and the EU, with the shipment of weapons.

In this regard, he also underlined the “military skills” of the Ukrainian Army with respect to the Russian, which “has approached the war as if it were still in the 20th century.” “That is no longer valid, Ukraine is winning the game in this sense”, he has sentenced, to vindicate the “morality” of the Ukrainian troops against the Russians who “fight without knowing why”.

On the other hand, Piqué has referred to the ‘Pegasus case’ and has shown his “concern” because this could alleviate the confidence of the partner countries regarding the Spanish intelligence service. In this way, he hopes that the situation “will be channeled quickly”. “We have a summit in Madrid –that of NATO– in a month and a half and it should be based on mutual trust”, he has settled.