The Japanese nursing home Moyai Seiy?kai is looking for very special new employees: They should be between 0 and 3 years old, don’t speak Japanese well yet and they can come to work whenever they want. No formal training or prior professional experience is necessary. The reward should be in diapers and baby milk.

More specifically, the babies are wanted so that they can disenchant the elderly ladies and gentlemen in the nursing home and make them happy. Of course, a legal guardian or an authorized person should always be present so that they can support their offspring with their activities. “Even residents who were in a bad mood or looked down all the time are beaming now when the babies come, they seem very happy,” Kimie Gondo, director of the nursing home, told Vice magazine.

Gondo probably came up with the original idea purely by accident: she brought her now four-year-old granddaughter to the nursing home. Residents looked extremely happy when the toddler was visiting. Whenever other care workers’ children came to the home, people were always cheered up by the little ones. Residents said the babies reminded them of when they were children themselves. Now the director of the home is looking for more lucky charms.

There are now 32 babies working in the home and their main job is to keep the residents company and take them for walks. If you take a little nap in the stroller, that’s probably not a problem at all. Because what sight can be more beautiful than that of sleeping children?

Those: “Vice”