Posture provides both neck pain and back ache, goes the conventional wisdom.

But even though the story has taken a good hold, is your posture hardly the true reason, if you suffer from pain in the neck and back.

It writes a british lecturer in physiotherapy in the Forskerzonen, there is a part of

A recent study with more of 1,000 teenagers found, for example, not a correlation between rygholdning and neck pain.

And it was in spite of the fact that the studio had a clear group, which collapsed in the chair when they sat down, and another group that sat upright.

If you want to the bottom of your neck pain, the cause must further be found in other locations in your life, writes the british researcher at the

In other studies, researchers have found a clear connection between neck pain and:

bad sleep.straining jobs.less physical activity.depression.

The individuals who in essence are more stressed, also got more muscle tension. And it happened before that the pain had proved.

in turn, the research shows also that simply taking more steps in everyday life can protect against neck pain.

as long As there is track of sleep, stress and mood, pointing to research that you can actually sit exactly as you want to, writes the british lecturer on the

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