Inma Nieto, the candidate for the Presidency in the Junta de Por Andalucia has promised that her Government would not forget that they provided a free taxi for those who were transferred to the hospital by the pandemic. It will also not “equate” them with multinationals such as those who manage the Transport Vehicles with Drivers (VTC).

He stressed that a multinational will not be equated to taxi workers who “have given everything here, so that the wealth they create stays here”, and who were “in solidarity” with their people. Nieto stated that “they were tough” and that he would be there with them in government and that he wouldn’t take any legislative actions to harm them. Nieto spoke from Sanlucar de Barrameda where he mentioned the new Transport Law, which seeks to regulate the VTC approved by the Madrid Assembly.

In Madrid, the PP has just equated them to the VTC. The Government of “For Andalusia” will not forget the man who gave his taxi to someone who had to be taken to the hospital immediately. He said this in reference to the pandemic.

The confluence is a candidate that brings together IU and Podemos, Mas Pais and Verdes-Equo. She has also pointed out that taxi drivers “are autonomous and autonomous fighters” and require the support of Board. She has criticised the Andalusian Government’s “presumption of being self-employed,” because she “hide[s] that these self-employed have made their lives difficult.”

He has stressed that Andalusia requires a “Government that observes the law” and “works and uses the labor reform for all purposes.”

Ernesto Alba, secretary of the Andalusian Communist Party has introduced Nieto. He warned that anyone who thinks “For Andalusia” is an electoral and tactical issue is wrong. It is the beginning, the first step in Spain to build a country,” Ernesto Alba said. He pointed out that winning in the community was a “first” step to “make Yolanda Diaz (the second vice president) and Minister of Labor”.

To win Andalusia, you must win. And that Yolanda be the president,” insisted Alba. She has repeatedly pointed out that these elections are “the elections of politics” in Andalusia in the face “of what she has described as attempts to de-ideologize the candidate for re-election from the PP-A, Juanma Moreno.

He stated that the most dangerous enemy is the politically illiterate, before noting that these elections are about politics as well as democracy. Democracy is the tool of the working poor.