SEPI makes public that it is buying shares


Indra’s board of directors has approved the agenda for its shareholders’ meeting on April 23, which includes the re-election of Luis Abril as executive director, which extends the governance model of a non-executive president and two executive directors.

In this way, the co-governance model approved after the departure of Fernando Abril Martorell last year will be maintained except for last-minute changes, with the exception that Luis Abril will be IT General Manager and not CEO like his predecessor, Cristina Ruiz.

For his part, Ignacio Mataix will continue as CEO and Marc Murtra as Chairman.

Shareholders must also rule on the re-election of Antonio Cuevas and Miguel Sebastián on behalf of the State Industrial Participation Company (SEPI).

SEPI is in the process of increasing its stake in the company to 28%, which would give it the right to a third director. On the agenda of the meeting, the firm recognizes for the first time, and as reported by Europa Press, that it has already begun to buy shares in the company.

To reach a third director, the public holding company would have to have at least 23% of the total share capital.

According to the meeting documents, SEPI reiterates “that its commitment to Indra is complete, stable and lasting and requests to be able to appoint a third member of the board of directors with the category of proprietary.”

Until June 7, Indra could send additions to the agenda, according to the call published this Friday in the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).

The mandate of the independent Isabel Torremocha will also be renewed and the appointment by co-option of Francisco Javier García Sanz will be endorsed.

For his part, upon reaching his term limit, the independent director and former coordinating director Alberto Terol will leave the body after 12 years.

Once SEPI appoints its third director, the board will be made up of seven independent directors, three proprietary directors and one external director.

The agenda includes the power to the board to increase capital, issue bonds, ‘warrants’ or obligations convertible into shares over the next five years.

Likewise, the procedural points of approval of the management reports and annual accounts are also present.